Third Circular, February 2025
Dear colleagues,
This 3rd Circular contains the necessary information for your registration to CIFU 14. The list of symposia and the list of accepted papers, information on the plenary speakers as well as the preliminary programme scheme can be found at There will be up to 8 sessions running parallelly and the programme will mainly be organized according to 30-minute slots (20 minutes for the presentation, 5–7 minutes for discussion and 3–5 minutes for moving between lecture halls). All lecture halls have computer with Internet connection and projector. If you need special equipment for your presentation, please contact us in advance. Our website will be continuously updated and more details concerning the programme will appear in the upcoming months.
In order to register find the registration form on the congress homepage at When filling in the form please note that affiliations with Russian or Belarusian institutions cannot be accepted. In this case – or if you do not have an affiliation – provide the name of your city instead.
We ask you to specify the language of your presentation if it will be in another language than English. Note that the language of a symposium talk needs to be agreed with the symposium organizer(s). For General-Session talks authors may decide on their own. Talks in other languages than English are recommended to be supported with slides in English. If your talk will be in English but your slides will be in another language you don’t need to specify this in the registration form.
Early-bird registration fee is 250 Euros for on-site participation and 100 Euros for online participation. Early-bird registration starts on March 1st and lasts until April 30th. After that date, the registration fee is 300 Euros on-site/150 Euros online. In case you plan to participate in one of the excursions or guided tours the registration deadline is June 1st. All authors are requested to register until June 30th the latest. Please note that your abstract will not be available online until successful registration. Registration is successfully completed when the payment has been received. In case of registration after June 30th please contact the organizers. The fees cover congress materials, coffee breaks and the evening programme.
We ask you to indicate your participation in the two receptions on Tuesday 19th and Thursday 21st. These are included in the conference fee, however, we would like to know the number of participants beforehand. Please also make your choices for guided city tours on the afternoon of Thursday 21st and excursions on Saturday 23rd. You can get acquainted with the possible tours and excursions here:
Finally, in case of on-site participation we ask you to mark the days on which you will attend, in order to be equipped well enough at the coffee breaks (which are also included in the congress fee).
If you need an invitation letter for a visa application please find out the requirements of the embassy where you will apply and contact us It is not possible to issue visa invitations to citizens of Russia and Belarus. Online participation is welcome.
After submitting the registration form a confirmation including a summary of your choices will be sent to your email address. This letter also includes a link to the payment site All payment information is spelled out there, please follow the instructions. In case none of the spelled out payment options is possible for you please register anyway and contact us:
The main venue of the congress is centered at University of Tartu’s Humanities building in Jakobi 2 and the neighbouring building in Lossi 3 (which can be reached via Jakobi 2). The opening will take place at Vanemuise 46, and the evening receptions at the University’s History Museum in Lossi 25 and the Estonian National Museum in Muuseumi tee 2. In the vicinity of the congress venue there are numerous restaurants and cafés in different price classes. Note that no central lunch can be organized.
For accommodation we have compiled a list of hotels with pre-bookings and/or discounts at We recommend to make your bookings as early as possible.
All abstracts will be published on our website. There will be no central paper publication of abstracts, nor any congress proceedings. Symposium organizers are welcome to develop their own publications plans.
We look forward to seeing you in Tartu in August!
Gerson Klumpp
President of the XIV Congress for Finno-Ugric Studies
Marili Tomingas
Secretary of the XIV Congress for Finno-Ugric Studies